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Unit Division Board Booklet


Unit Division Board Booklet This is a 10 page .pdf file for downloading. Please download one file per school location, thank you. Printing instructions are below.



This is the Unit Division Board Booklet to be used in conjunction with the Unit Division Board. The division equations are written in order of increasing dividends 1 through 81. The equations that are highlighted grey are not within the scope of the Unit Division Board and the child should be guided not to answer these questions using this material. One may also notice that the equations on each page are written in order of increasing divisor 1 through 9, top to bottom. This is purposeful. It is suggested by the author that the child begin on the first page (division of one) and work through the book page by page in order of increasing dividend and increasing divisor. (Slightly different than the original AMI presentation which begins with dividing 81 beads by 9 skittles)

Printing Instructions 

Step 1: Print odd pages 1 through 10.

Step 2: Flip the pages over and re-insert into printer.

Step 3: Print even pages 1 through 10.

(page 2 prints on the back of page 1…page 10 prints on the back of page 9)

Step 4: Cut each page along the blue dotted line.

Step 5: Fold and place into correct order.


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